Burnett/ Burnet/ Burnette | Christal/ Christall Christel/Chrystal | Cleere/ Clare/ Clear/ Clere |
Collier / Collyer | Dowdy | Foe |
Hancock / Handcock | Johnson/ Johnston | Kaiser/ Kizer |
Ingram / Ingraham | McClellan / MacClellan/ McCellon | McNeil/ McNeill / McNeal/ McNeel |
Neal / Nail? | Paine / Payne | Parham |
Rodgers / Rogers | Roe / Rowe | Stokes |
Thatcher/ Thacher | Teer/ Tier | Vantrease/ Vertries |
Worchester |
Do you have a connection to Denton Co.
TX? Do you know or suspect that your ancestors are buried in Denton Co. but
not sure where they are buried?
You might want to look in the four cemetery
records below or if you need a list of what other cemeteries there are in Denton
Co. TX, go to the Denton Co. Cemetery Guide that was started by Ann Onstad.